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24girl picturesSexy beauty of models → AZhu All Pic
Model Name:AZhu
Model introduce:别 名:azhu 生 日:1993-08-28 星 座:处女座身 高:172 体 重:49KG 三 围:B85 W62 H87出 生:中国北京 职 业:模特 兴 趣:旅行、逛街详细介绍: 阿朱,内地新晋嫩模,有着独特的气质和符合气质的外表,造型百变,适合拍摄各种题材氛围的商拍,与非常多的摄影师合作过,拍摄经验丰富。 Alias: azhu birthday: August 28, 1993 Constellation: Virgo height: 172 weight: 49kg circumference: B85 W62 H87 birth: Beijing, China occupation: model interest: travel, shopping detailed introduction: Zhu, a new young model in the mainland, has a unique temperament and appearance in line with the temperament. His modeling is changeable. He is suitable for commercial shooting of various themes and atmosphere. He has cooperated with many photographers and has rich shooting experience.
Model hot:2789thousand+hit, A total of download: 76thousand+
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