Model Name:BaBaoicey
Model introduce:八宝icey,内地平面模特,来自湖南长沙,有着萝莉的气质和大胆的尺度,女神语录:我只是个咖啡厅端杯子的。 八宝icey是一个在湖南开咖啡厅的美女,也是一名模特,出了拍摄平面照片外,还是一枚美女老板娘。八宝icey平时喜欢罗塔牌还有有关巫术的东西,是一个荒诞怪异的女孩儿。八宝icey还喜欢sm的东西,因为表示这类的东西很有美感,这些喜好更是证明了她的荒诞怪异,同时还透着丝丝的文艺气息。 Babao icey, a graphic model from the mainland, is from Changsha, Hunan Province, with Lori's temperament and bold scale. Babao icey is a beautiful woman who opens a coffee shop in Hunan Province. She is also a model. Besides taking plane photos, she is also a beautiful landlady. Babao icey usually likes rota cards and things about witchcraft. She is an absurd and weird girl. Babao icey also likes SM things, because it means that such things are very beautiful. These preferences prove her absurdity and strangeness, and at the same time, they are full of artistic atmosphere.
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