Model Name:ChengTongYan
Model introduce:别 名:GINNNNNNN-生 日:1993-01-22星 座:水瓶座身 高:163体 重:42 KG三 围:B86(C) W58 H84出 生:重庆市沙坪坝区职 业:模特兴 趣:睡懒觉程彤颜,微博昵称GINNNNNNN-,内地模特、淘女郎 推女神新麻豆之一,有着不错的人气,接拍各种微电影、写真、平面广告、杂志广告等商业活动哦 百变的姿态和深情的眼神已透露出她的娴熟。女神浑身散发出清新的气息,温暖的冬日,阳光倾泻,画面里的她格外美好。 Alias: ginnn birthday: January 22, 1993 Constellation: Aquarius height: 163 weight: 42 kg circumference: B86 (c) w58 h84 birth: Shapingba District, Chongqing Occupation: model interest: sleeping in Cheng Tongyan, microblog nickname: ginnn -, mainland model, taonu She is one of the new Madou pushing goddess. She is very popular. She has taken over various commercial activities such as micro movies, photo, print ads and magazine ads. her changeable posture and affectionate eyes have revealed her proficiency. Goddess exudes a fresh breath, warm winter, the sun pouring, the picture of her particularly beautiful.
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