Model Name:ChenLiuXi
Model introduce:别 名:Olivia 生 日:1993-07-24 星 座:狮子座身 高:165 体 重:48KG 三 围:B89(B) W64 H87出 生:中国浙江 职 业:模特 兴 趣:游泳详细介绍: 陈柳溪,昵称柳溪,中国内地平面模特,淘女郎,光宇游戏展台show gril,毕业于浙江传媒学院,现属北京瀚霖博睿文化传媒有限公司旗下。她有着萌化人的心的甜美笑容,性格活泼开朗,是网游《梦回仙境》《仙恋ON LINE》的代言。 Alias: Olivia birthday: July 24, 1993 Constellation: Leo height: 165 weight: 48kg circumference: B89 (b) w64 H87 birth: Zhejiang, China occupation: model interest: swimming detailed introduction: Chen Liuxi, nickname: Liuxi, graphic model in mainland China, taonv, Guangyu game show Gril, graduated from Zhejiang Media College, is a subsidiary of Beijing Hanlin Borui Cultural Media Co., Ltd. She has a sweet smile with a cute heart and a lively and cheerful personality. She is the spokesperson of online games "dream back to Wonderland" and "fairy love on line".
Model hot:160thousand+hit, A total of download: 2thousand+