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24girl picturesSexy beauty of models → ChenZiHan All Pic
Model Name:ChenZiHan
Model introduce:别 名:Sunny生 日:1996-09-26星 座:天秤座身 高:172体 重:52 KG三 围:B88 W63 H88出 生:中国 上海职 业:模特、车模兴 趣:暂缺陈梓涵Sunny,内地模特、车模,2015ChinaJoy showgirl,语录:将来的你,一定会感谢现在拼命的自己。 Nickname: Sunny birthday: September 26, 1996 Constellation: Libra height: 172 weight: 52 kg circumference: B88 W63 h88 birth: Shanghai, China occupation: model, car model interest: lack of Chen Zihan sunny, mainland model, car model, 2015China joy show girl, quotation: in the future, you will thank yourself for working hard now.
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