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24girl picturesSexy beauty of models → LiuXueNi All Pic
Model Name:LiuXueNi
Model introduce:刘雪妮Verna,出生日期:1986-02-01;身高:162公分;体重:44 KG;三围:B88 W83 H87;职业:模特;微美国际签约模特,美媛馆成员, 航空旅游品牌代言 刘雪妮Verna拍摄的写真集,多是清新、性感类型;总体给人害羞惹人爱的感觉; Liu Xueni Verna, date of birth: February 1, 1986; height: 162 cm; weight: 44 kg; circumference: B88 W83 H87; Occupation: model; model signed by Weimei international, member of Meiyuan Pavilion, spokesperson of aviation tourism brand. The photo album shot by Liu Xueni Verna is mostly fresh and sexy; generally, it gives people the feeling of shyness and loveliness;
Model hot:308thousand+hit, A total of download: 10thousand+
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