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24girl picturesSexy beauty of models → LiuYouQi other name:七宝 肉包包 All Pic
Model Name:LiuYouQi other name:七宝 肉包包
Model introduce:柳侑绮,sevenbaby,别名七宝,喜欢美食、音乐和自驾游,精通各种乐器,无肉不欢的90后小女生,因此,她的粉丝们喜欢称她“肉包包”。柳侑绮是《三国杀》第一位真人女武将,她是《桃园》的美女队长,她爱美食,爱跳舞,更爱她的职业,“游戏圈新晋童颜巨乳”是她的头衔,她就是90后嫩模柳侑绮。 Liu Xiqi, seven baby, also known as Qibao, is a post-90s girl who likes food, music and self driving, and is proficient in various musical instruments. Therefore, her fans like to call her "meat bag". Liu Fuqi is the first real female general in the Three Kingdoms. She is the beautiful captain of Taoyuan. She loves food, dance and her career. Her title is "the new girl in the game circle". She is the young model of the post-90s.
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