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24girl picturesSexy beauty of models → LiYuJie All Pic
Model Name:LiYuJie
Model introduce:别 名:Daisy 生 日:1993-08-17 星 座:狮子座身 高:168 体 重:47 KG 三 围:B86(C) W60 H89出 生:中国上海黄浦区 职 业:模特 兴 趣:美食、购物详细介绍: 李玉洁Daisy,内地人气网络红人,平面模特,推女神第14期模特,毕业于澳洲詹姆斯库克大学(James Cook University),是一位美貌与气质兼备的新女神,她的微博粉丝高达10w。 Alias: Daisy birthday: August 17, 1993 Constellation: Leo height: 168 weight: 47 kg girth: B86 (c) W60 H89 birth: Huangpu District, Shanghai, China occupation: model interest: food, shopping detailed introduction: Li Yujie Daisy, a popular Internet celebrity in the mainland, graphic model, No.14 model of pushnv, graduated from James Cook University, Australia University) is a new goddess with both beauty and temperament. Her Weibo fans are up to 10W.
Model hot:110thousand+hit, A total of download: 3thousand+
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