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24girl picturesSexy beauty of models → LvShiMing All Pic
Model Name:LvShiMing
Model introduce:别 名:係诗茗 吕诗茗生 日:1994-09-27星 座:天秤座身 高:173cm体 重:45 KG三 围:B85 W60 H88出 生:广东广州职 业:平面模特兴 趣:舞蹈、看书、旅行吕诗茗,昵称鬼妹係诗茗,内地平面模特,好动狂!不用工作的时候在家里根本坐不住,不是干家务就是买菜遛狗逛街看电影吃东西!没办法静下来做一件事,除了打游戏。目前是一位职业模特,热爱模特工作,因为可以每天都打扮漂漂亮亮的,拍美美的照片。 Alias: Xi Shiming LV Shiming birthday: September 27, 1994 Constellation: Libra height: 173cm weight: 45kg circumference: B85 W60 h88 birth: Guangzhou, Guangdong Occupation: graphic model interest: dance, reading, travel LV Shiming nickname: Gui Mei Xi Shiming, mainland graphic model, hyperactivity! When you don't have to work, you can't sit at home, either do housework or buy vegetables, walk your dog, go shopping, watch movies and eat! There's no way to calm down and do one thing except play games. At present, he is a professional model and loves modeling work, because he can dress up and take beautiful photos every day.
Model hot:103thousand+hit, A total of download: 3thousand+
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