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Model Name:MeiXianZi
Model introduce:别 名:唐美贤、美贤孑兮生 日:1997-07-03星 座:巨蟹座身 高:174体 重:暂缺三 围:B86 W68 H89出 生:中国广东广州职 业:模特兴 趣:跳舞、烹饪、打扫卫生、打球、听音乐 美贤子,原名唐美贤,别名美贤孑兮,内地平面模特,中越混血儿,嘉宾模特,烹饪小宅女,毕业于肇庆商业技工学院。 Alias: Tang Meixian, Meixian Jixi birthday: July 3, 1997 Constellation: cancer height: 174 weight: short of three circumference: B86 w68 H89 birth: Guangzhou, Guangdong, China occupation: model interest: dancing, cooking, cleaning, playing ball and listening to music Meixianzi, formerly known as Tang Meixian, also known as Meixian Juxi, is a mainland graphic model, a Chinese Vietnamese hybrid, a guest model, and a cooking housemaid. She graduated from Zhaoqing commercial and technical college.
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