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24girl picturesSexy beauty of models → MiaoMiaoXiaoJieJie All Pic
Model Name:MiaoMiaoXiaoJieJie
Model introduce:王昭璐,昵称Lovely璐璐,内地90后平面模特、熊猫TV女主播(347198),来自贵州兴义市,2014年荣获全州足球宝贝第一名,同年再次荣获全州动漫展第三名及全州动漫嘉年华第一名,2015年担任黔西南州蓝吉淇形象专业模特,同年担任国际拳王赛拳台宝贝,黔西南大型博览会专属模特,贵州旅游法展大会民族宝贝,2016年担任贵州大型国际车展专业模特。 Wang Zhaolu, nicknamed lovely Lulu, is a mainland post-90s graphic model and panda TV anchor (347198). She is from Xingyi City, Guizhou Province. In 2014, she won the first prize of Quanzhou football baby, the third prize of Quanzhou animation exhibition and the first prize of Quanzhou animation carnival. In 2015, she served as a professional model of LAN Jiqi in Qianxinan Prefecture. In the same year, she served as a boxing baby of international boxing championship and a large-scale model of Southwest Guizhou Exclusive model of the Expo, national treasure of Guizhou tourism law exhibition, and professional model of Guizhou International Auto Show in 2016.
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