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24girl picturesSexy beauty of models → NuoMeiZiMini All Pic
Model Name:NuoMeiZiMini
Model introduce:别 名:米妮,米妮大萌萌生 日:1996-05-09星 座:金牛座身 高:165体 重:--三 围:B88 W58 H88出 生:中国上海黄埔区职 业:模特兴 趣:美食详细介绍:米妮大萌萌Mini,新艺名麦提娜Mitina,也叫黄米妮、苏糯米,内地人气嫩模、微博网络红人、宅男女神,天然呆萌的气质和童言的好身材吸引了大量粉丝关注。 Alias: Minnie, Minnie Dameng's birthday: May 09, 1996 Constellation: Taurus height: 165 weight: - girth: B88 w58 h88 birth: Huangpu District, Shanghai, China occupation: model Xing Interesting: details of food: Minnie is a cute mini, whose new art name is mitina, also known as Huang Minni and Su nuomi. She is a popular young model in the mainland, a popular microblog network celebrity, and an otaku goddess. Her natural and cute temperament and childlike figure attract a lot of fans' attention.
Model hot:2659thousand+hit, A total of download: 75thousand+
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