Model Name:QiuShanLiNai other name:Rina Akiyama Model introduce:秋山莉奈(1985年9月26日),出生于日本东京都,是日本的杂志模特、演员、歌手。经纪公司为キリンプロ(KIRIN PRO)。和她纤细的四肢和躯体相比,特别突出丰满的臂部为其特点。因此也获得了「美臀女王」、「御臀莉奈」等美誉。 秋山 莉奈 (あきやま りな) 【英文名】 Rina Akiyama 【性别】女 【身高】163cm 【三围】34、23、36 Rina Akiyama (September 26, 1985), born in Japan, the capital of Japan, is a Japanese character, a performer and a singer. Kirin pro. The ratio of the body to the limbs of the four limbs, and the special points of the arms. It is the beauty beauty queen. Rena Akiyama (renamed Myojin), Rina kiyama Model hot:703thousand+hit, A total of download: 15thousand+