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24girl picturesSexy beauty of models → RuYueJiuLiuMei All Pic
Model Name:RuYueJiuLiuMei
Model introduce:如月くるみ (Kurumi Kisaragi 如月久留美),出生于1990年(属马)1-14(摩羯座) 来自日本东京都,职业是歌手,模特,写真女优。 1990 1-1428岁 马 摩羯座 身高161 CM 三围 B83/ W58 / H83 罩杯 C杯 血型 A型血 日本 东京都 Kurumi Kisaragi was born in 1990 (belong to horse) 1-14 (Capricorn) from Tokyo, Japan. She is a singer, model and photo actress. 1990 1-1428 Capricorn height 161 cm girth b83 / w58 / h83 cup c cup blood type a blood Tokyo, Japan
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