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24girl picturesSexy beauty of models → ShanZhongZhenYouMei All Pic
Model Name:ShanZhongZhenYouMei
Model introduce:山中真由美(Mayumi Yamanaka),1993年3月2日生于东京都,日本女演员山中真由美(やまなか まゆみ),日本模特。妹妹是同一事务所的山中知恵,当时一起进入现在的事务所,以童星偶像身份出道。当初是泳装相片,写真视频为中心活动。 2007年1月,违反与事务所之间合同,因此同年2月到4月演艺活动中断,但“清纯妹妹俱乐部”中的2007年度人气投票中全233人中妹妹第2位了。 Mayumi Yamanaka, born in Tokyo on March 2, 1993, is a Japanese actress and model. My younger sister is Zhiyu Yamanaka of the same firm. At that time, she entered the present firm together and started her career as a child star idol. At the beginning, it was a swimsuit photo, photo video centered activity. In January 2007, the company violated the contract with the firm, so the performance was interrupted from February to April of the same year. However, in the 2007 popularity poll of "pure sister Club", sister ranked second among 233 people.
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