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Model Name:ShenJiaXi
Model introduce:别 名:Kitty星辰生 日:1990-12-10星 座:射手座身 高:162体 重:暂缺三 围:B84(E) W56 H86出 生:河南郑州职 业:模特、演员、推女郎兴 趣:旅游、美容、服饰Kitty星辰(沈佳熹),中国内地模特、演员、推女郎第25期模特,玲珑有致,魅惑曲线镜头感、柔韧性俱佳。女神语录:一起装逼一起飞。Kitty星辰本名叫做沈佳嘉,是一个来自河南郑州的姑娘,一个人在北京模特圈摸爬滚打的射手座妹子。现在的沈佳熹还是一家传媒有限公司的首席模特,性感魅惑的她总是能在镜头面前展现出最好的自己。 Nickname: Kitty Star Birthday: 1990-12-10 Constellation: Sagittarius height: 162 weight: short of three circumference: b84 (E) w56 H86 birth: Zhengzhou, Henan Occupation: model, actor, push girl interest: tourism, beauty, clothing Kitty star (Shen Jiaxi), mainland China model, performer, push girl issue 25 model, exquisite and chic, charming curve, lens sense, flexibility. Goddess's sayings: make a take-off together. Kitty star's real name is Shen Jiajia. She is a girl from Zhengzhou, Henan Province. She is a Sagittarius girl in Beijing model circle. Now Shen Jiaxi is still the chief model of a media limited company. She is sexy and charming, and always shows her best in front of the camera.
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