Model Name:ShiYiJia
Model introduce:别 名:Ashley 生 日:1993-04-06 星 座:白羊座身 高:165 体 重:46KG 三 围:B82 W59 H86出 生:上海静安区 职 业:平面模特、showgirl 兴 趣:逛街、美食详细介绍: 施忆佳,微博昵称施忆佳KITTY酱,内地平面模特、showgirl,之前拍摄各种tvc广告,也是女神计划的官方成员,喜欢自拍,喜欢美食,标准小女人性格。 Alias: Ashley birthday: April 6, 1993 Constellation: Aries height: 165 weight: 46kg circumference: B82 W59 H86 birth: Jing'an District, Shanghai Occupation: graphic model, showgirl interest: shopping, food details: Shi Yijia, nicknamed shiyijia Kitty sauce on Weibo, is a mainland graphic model and showgirl. Before shooting various TVC advertisements, she is also an official member of the goddess project. She likes to take self portraits, likes delicious food and has a standard little woman's personality.
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