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24girl picturesSexy beauty of models → XiaXiaoQiu other name:夏小秋秋秋 All Pic
Model Name:XiaXiaoQiu other name:夏小秋秋秋
Model introduce:夏小秋,昵称夏小秋秋秋 1994年11月24日出生,毕业于华南师范大学,是中国内地平面模特,秀人网新秀模特,获得2014平面模特大赛新秀奖。夏小秋是典型的九零后嫩模,有着傲人的上围,娇嫩雪白的肤色,可人的笑容,前凸后翘的身材都让她在模特圈发展的游刃有余。她最擅长风格为气质OL、文艺、性感风格,有丰富的拍摄经验。 Xia Xiaoqiu, nicknamed Xia Xiaoqiu, was born on November 24, 1994 and graduated from South China Normal University. He is a graphic model in mainland China and a rookie model in xiuren.com. He won the Rookie Award in 2014 graphic model contest. Xia Xiaoqiu is a typical post-90s young model. She has a proud upper circumference, delicate and white skin color, a lovely smile and a forward and backward figure, all of which make her comfortable in the development of the model circle. She is good at temperament ol, literature and art, sexy style, has rich shooting experience.
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