Model Name:XueRuiLisa
Model introduce:雪瑞Lisa,昵称baby瑞雪,内地新晋嫩模,中国乌克兰混血儿,卖萌小公主、陌陌女主播、(昱橙)上海影视签约艺人。推女神新人模特带来一组酒店性感写真,在酒店浴室穿着白色内衣的模特,高挑、火辣的身材非常诱人,气质的脸蛋,让人着迷,尽显性感女神范。女神语录:我希望有一个人会懂我,即使我什么都没说。 Sherry Lisa, nicknamed baby, is a new model in the mainland. She is a Chinese Ukrainian half breed. She is a cute little princess, a Momo female anchor, and a Shanghai film and television signing artist. The new model of pushing goddess brings a group of sexy photos of the hotel. The model wearing white underwear in the bathroom of the hotel has a tall and hot figure, which is very attractive, and the temperament of the face is fascinating and sexy. I hope someone will understand me, even if I don't say anything.
Model hot:251thousand+hit, A total of download: 6thousand+