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Model Name:YiXuan
Model introduce:别 名:艺轩Renee生 日:1995-10-27星 座:天蝎座身 高:172体 重:--三 围:B85 W65 H86出 生:中国上海闵行区职 业:平面模特兴 趣:美食、旅游、时尚详细介绍:付艺轩,昵称艺轩Renee,内地90后平面模特,北京唯有梦想文化经纪有限公司签约艺人,语录:接收我的任性,才能享受我的青春。 Alias: Yixuan Renee birthday: October 27, 1995 Constellation: Scorpio height: 172 weight: - girth: B85 w65 H86 birth: Minhang District, Shanghai, China occupation: graphic model Xing Interesting: food, tourism, fashion detailed introduction: Fu Yixuan, nicknamed Yixuan Renee, mainland post-90s graphic model, Beijing only dream culture Agency Co., Ltd. signed artist, quotation: accept my wayward, in order to enjoy my youth.
Model hot:1065thousand+hit, A total of download: 27thousand+
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