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Model Name:YouNaNa
Model introduce:别 名:U-NANA、Lafite拉霏生 日:1992-10-27星 座:天蝎座身 高:168体 重:50KG三 围:B88 W60 H98出 生:北京东城区职 业:白领、模特兴 趣:唱歌、宠物 尤娜娜U-NANA,昵称Lafite拉霏,内地90后嫩模、公司白领,喜欢唱歌和宠物;语录:哪有什么岁月静好,不过是有人替你负重前行。 Alias: u-nana, Lafite birthday: October 27, 1992 Constellation: Scorpio height: 168 weight: 50kg circumference: B88 W60 H98 birth: Beijing Dongcheng District Occupation: white collar, model interest: singing, pets Yunana u-nana, nicknamed Lafite Lafite, is a young model of the post-90s generation in the mainland and a white-collar worker in the company. She likes singing and pets.
Model hot:89thousand+hit, A total of download: 3thousand+
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