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Model Name:ZhangJingYan
Model introduce:别 名:Luna狐狸 生 日:1993-12-25 星 座:魔羯座身 高:160 体 重:46KG 三 围:B80 W58 H83出 生:中国上海 职 业:平面模特、showgirl 兴 趣:详细介绍: 张静燕,昵称Luna狐狸,内地平面模特、showgirl,毕业于上海市商业学校,上海瑞丽摄影有限公司瑞丽女神馆签约艺人。2011CJ期间张静燕在多玩游戏美女PK排行榜上列总排名第十二位。2011ChinaJoy巨人展台Showgirl、男生女生向前冲怀旧专场。 Alias: Luna fox birthday: December 25, 1993 Constellation: Capricorn height: 160 weight: 46kg circumference: B80 w58 h83 birth: Shanghai, China occupation: graphic model, showgirl interest: Details: Zhang Jingyan, nicknamed Luna fox, is a mainland graphic model and showgirl. She graduated from Shanghai commercial school and is a contract artist of Ruili goddess Museum of Shanghai Ruili photography Co., Ltd. During 2011cj, Zhang Jingyan was ranked 12th in the list of beauty PK. 2011chinajoy giant booth showgirl, boys and girls rush forward to nostalgia special show.
Model hot:145thousand+hit, A total of download: 4thousand+
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