Model Name:ZhangYiWen
Model introduce:别 名:小雪儿 生 日:1988-11-22 星 座:天蝎座身 高:165 体 重:44KG 三 围:B80(B) W62 H79出 生:中国北京 职 业:模特、演员 兴 趣:舞蹈、表演、主持、乐器详细介绍: 张译文Michelle,内地平面模特、演员,毕业于北京艺术学校。2007年参加由亚洲电视台举办的亚洲小姐比赛获得10强,2008年获得松花湖旅游形象大使最佳人气奖,2013年0313期非常了得女嘉宾并冲关到最后。 Nickname: Xiao Xueer birthday: November 22, 1988 Constellation: Scorpio height: 165 weight: 44kg circumference: B80 (b) W62 h79 birth: Beijing, China occupation: model and actor interest: dance, performance, hosting, musical instruments detailed introduction: Michelle Zhang translation, mainland graphic model, performer, graduated from Beijing Art school. In 2007, she participated in the Miss Asia competition held by Asia TV and won the top 10. In 2008, she won the best Popularity Award of Songhua Lake tourism image ambassador. In 2013, issue 0313 was a very outstanding female guest and rushed to the end.
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