Model Name:ZuoQiAiLi
Model introduce:年 龄:27 (属兔) 生 日:1987-02-15 星 座:水瓶座 身 高:165 三 围:B80 W57 H81 出 生:日本 爱知县 职 业: 模特、Cosplayer 佐崎愛里(ささき あいり,Airi Sasaki),1987年2月15日出生于日本爱知县,日本模特兼一名Cosplayer。长腿美女佐崎愛里,在中学时曾经是圣歌队的成员,很喜欢高达,买过很多高达模型。佐崎爱里 生日:1987年2月15日 身高:165cm 三围:B80W57H81cm 佐崎爱里的部落格 Age: 27 (rabbit) birthday: February 15, 1987 Constellation: Aquarius height: 165 circumference: B80 w57 H81 birth: Aichi Prefecture, Japan Occupation: model, cosplayer, Airi Sasaki, born in Aichi Prefecture, Japan on February 15, 1987, Japanese model and a cosplayer. Aiiri Sasaki, a long legged beauty, used to be a member of the hymn team in middle school. She liked Kodak very much and bought many models of Kodak. Aiiri Sasaki's birthday: February 15, 1987 height: 165cm girth: b80w57h81cm aiiri Sasaki's blog
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